I'm attempting to swing back into a consistent T3, but forces greater than the power of Blogger keep me away.
Hawkman Monday means the world is right again.
I posted Atomo here.
El Halcon beats him in every category except Peso, which means... weight? Does not compute.
Hey, whatever. Times have changed. Atomo is getting the recognition he deserves. Soon his Fuerza will be unmatched by all.
It would appear that El Halcon is reaching for something on that card. But what could it be?
Perhaps a sánduche so that he may increase his peso.
I'm pretty sure the Atom can outphone Hawkman in flight, as well.
nice art. Hawkman looks awesome. maybe it's the shirtlessness.
perhaps i have said too much.
Haha, good old Carter, but everyone knows that he and Ray are pretty well balanced. That's why they make such a great team!
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