Fly Atomo, Fly!
Check out those numbers! Er... whatever they mean, that is. I'm sure 0.15 Altura m. isn't all that good.
Nice art they chose to put on these cards, not to mention that... they put the Atom on a card. The choice to include Ray in some of their merchandise is heartwarming. Warms the cockles. Something the Super Powers line obviously had no interest in doing. Zero cockle warming coming from that lot.
I have 2 other cards from this series. A shiny buffalo nickel to the one that guesses them.
See, I can run sweet contests too!
Tomorrow we'll see how Hawkman put his stamp on random merchandising, back in the days of the A- list.
Buffalo nickels are the best!
My guesses are gonna be Hawkman and Red Tornado.
I suppose this is a sort of precursor to Heroclix. Suppose kids today wil speak of Heroclix in such a reverent manner as you've presented this card? I think not, sir! And that is one of the reasons I read this every day.
Samurai and Supergirl.
Sorry Rob, Doug is correct!
And sorry to the dozens upon dozens of other people who are just a bit behind and preparing their answers as I write this.
Doug, please contact me and let me know where you'd like your nickel sent.
Super Amigos, I continue to shake my fist in your decidely southern direction! Paul Kirk? Paul friggin' Kirk? Pendejo bastardos!
Then what you must do is enroll in RCIA
so your wee son may have life eternal.
Lemme show you how to wiseabove...
When our eternal soul
leaves our mortal body
to meet our Maker,
only four, last things remain:
death, judgement, Heaven or Hell
according to the deeds WEE mortals
accomplished in our expired existence.
⬆️I'm a re-boot NDE⬇️
If you're RIGHT,
you'll see LIGHT -
follow that to the Elysian Fields.
Let's be tethered2forever Upstairs.
Find-out what RCIA means and join.
Make Your Choice -SAW
⚠️DO NOT⚠️take the Mark of the Beast;
otherwise, we'll be in two, different eternities.
...and trustNjesus, me wee laddy.
(sorry for the Irish accent).
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