This was provided to me by Rob Kelly of the aquaman shrine and other beautiful bloggery. Thanks Rob!
The "Ride A Deadly Grenade" cover, done by two guys named Gil Kane and Murphy Anderson, has become a favorite amongst many people (and some even admit it) and for good reason.
For the very best in Comics reading...
See, it's situations like that Atom cover why Hank Pym was cooler as Ant-Man than as Giant Man. And why the Atom is cool, like, just cuz.
That is probably the best Atom cover ever. The story itself is pretty decent, but the cover was awesome.
My favorite version of Hank Pym was Hank Pym. I dug that shadowy WCA cover where they have him pretending his lab coat is a trench, with his own "Doctor Pym" logo. Giant Girl from Marvel Adventures pulled off that identity better. As Ant-Man, I much preferred Scott Lang, and dig whatsisbastardface as well.
...Which forgets the fact that the Atom was drawn by Gil Kane AND Murphy Anderson, which automatically makes him cooler than any of those other guys.
both sweet covers!
For me, that Atom cover is one of the greatest comic covers EVER!
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