That's obviously not true as no one would dare green light my Atom activity book.
But this fun scene is from a 1996 Golden Books DC Comics Super Heroes coloring book, featuring mullet Superman, provided to me by fellow F.O.A.M. member and Hawkman nut Doug Zawisza. As you can see, Ray is readying his atomic punch for some mad scientist face. I had no idea The Atom was in there, so I give thanks to Doug for sending this to me.
What needs to happen next is that everyone gets a copy of this (click on the picture for the colorable (?) version. There's another one as well), colors it in, and sends it to DC begging them for Damian's Search for Ray Palmer Children's Activity Book. It's like where's Waldo, but much cooler. And there's coloring!
Speaking of ripping things off, having acquired several Atom related things from gracious senders in the last few weeks, it had occurred to me that maybe I should rip-off (excuse me, the term is "borrow") Rob Kelly's F.O.A.M. group and put something together of my own. Sort of a "thanks for this wonderful thing you sent me, now you're part of such and such, here's your membership." We're looking for a team atmosphere here at the T3.
Maybe M.O.T.A. Yanno, Mates of the Atom.
On the positive side, it's a lot like SOTA (Sword of the Atom) and POTA (Power of the Atom) with the lone exception being one letter. And if you're familiar with the Atom fleer tattoo, or perhaps a mirror, you might just see... Mota spells Atom backwards!!! I am out of control good!
On the other hand, I'm not Australian, so "mates" might be a bit of a push. And to anyone not familiar with it's inception and not particularly interested in researching it, might just seem like a list of people Ray Palmer tried to breed with.
Maybe it's not a good idea. Suggestions?
(Here's one: Get your own identity!)
Chime in on all matters. And as always, we're excited.
Thanks again, Doug!
M.O.T.A. sounds like a winner. I was thinking of F.O.O.M. (Friends Of Our Martian,) but then I remembered a) trademark infringement is punishable by law and b) that I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member. If it's too good for Groucho, I guess I'll walk that way.
I'm pretty sure there's more than one F.O.O.M out there, so you could probably get away with it.
Of course with that said, I'm sure you don't want to be another drop in the hat of FOOM.
FOOM was a Marvel fan-zine of sorts, no?
i like MOTA, myself!
Hey man, that's an awesome page there, and here's another vote for a "Search for Ray Palmer" activity book!
Psst...I like MOTA.
oh, and isnt that bad guy the Riddler's brother, Shemp Nigma>
ha, I do believe it is.
Friends Of Ol' Marvel, I believe. Not to be confused with the Merry Marvel Marching Society...
What about POTTT?
Pals Of The Tiny Titan?
I would like to get a similar one for my son, because as you can imagine, he lives fascinated with this characters, and also he is always drawing on the walls of my house, so...
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