Size does matter.
This will be a shrine (!) of sorts devoted to the little guy, The Atom. I'll throw in some Al Pratt every now and then, but it's mostly for Ray Ray and newcomer Ryan Choi. Now, there currently isn't nearly as much memorabilia sweetness out there for The Atom (he certainly never got his own aquarium), as there would be someone on the A team, but finding Ray Palmer on various items has always been a fun (or severely frustrating) game and I'll share with you all I've got. And I've managed to accumulate quite a bit.
Comic book wise, I'll start off with the current Atom series featuring Ryan Choi, in case anyone actually ever reads any of this, and I manage to get someone interested in a series that's actually still running.
That's about it. I'll push forward and attempt my extraordinarily low rent, 2 bit shrine for a hero that deserves better.
Best of luck with this. My 9 year old son likes only one super hero: Ray Palmer. I keep buying all the JLU action figures I can find. We went on a mission one year at WizardWorld to find an Atom Heroclix... we found it.
Ah, I thank you. It's so great that your son is such an avid Ray Palmer fan. Well, in one sense it's great. On the other hand perhaps my time could have been better spent trying to cure something rather than searching the shoulders of household name heroes in search for Ray.
I did pick myself up an Atom heroclix, although I admittedly know very little about the game. I picked up a Green Arrow and Red Tornado along with it. They look cool. Just... sitting there.
This is awesome. Good job. If you aren't out there looking out for Ray Palmer, who will be?
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