I got myself a DC Superheroes iron-on transfer book from Leisure Arts after being blown away (really) by the information that The Atom was featured in it. This, as you may have guessed, is one of them.
It's pretty cool actually.
Well, it's a pretty big book. Shockingly, the majority of it is divided up between the animated series Batman, and mucho hair Superman. Then it trickles on down to Robin and Wonder Woman having a chunk, Kyle Rainer and the Flash with a few cameos, and then Shazam gets a few bones thrown his way.
Then you get those other guys. Aquaman (who has a color one!), Hawkman, and The Atom. Obviously The Atom having one in there was enough for purchase, so Hawkman was a sweet added bonus. I did and do think it's pretty cool that Ray was added into this book, especially since he wasn't exactly in demand when this thing was put out in 96. I'm still waiting on an Atom Hallmark ornament.
There's 3 total, and I'll put the other 2 up at unannounced times so those of you standing by holding your breath will be forced to check back, in hopes that you'll catch a glimpse of an epic Atom iron-on transfer. Maybe when they've all gone up I'll do a step by step video about the proper way of applying transfers to cheap, plain black and grey sweaters. Then I'll invite everyone over and you can take turns kicking me in my ribs.
I'll be sharing the Hawkman ones as well as soon as I figure out exactly how I wish to approach the whole manHawk situation on the titan.
You're excited. Denial is silly.
Sa-wheet Parobeck are to boot!
Nice stuff!
Parobeck was a great guy for licensing art--crisp clean style, everybody looks heroic and dynamic.
So they're all in the animated Parobeck/Timm style? Pretty.
The Atom ones are all Parobeck. I'm not sure about the stuff throughout the book.
I'm sure with 800 Batman transfers they're bound to work in an artist or two.
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