Here, for the first time (I think) the average public could catch a glimpse of what would become the most villainously terrifying piece or moment in the entire history of comics as we know it.
Chronos's pants.
That's right kids, you don't see beautiful ads like this anymore. I love the whole setup of Chronos on there (even if one would guess that he must be blind) and the Atom held at gun point on a watch is just great stuff. It speaks for itself.
Ira Schnapp in the house.
It's only a matter of time before someone unleashes an Atom/Chronos two pack action figure bonanza on the world.
Of course I'm still waiting on a Power of the Atom playset with saddle wearing battle frog...
simply gorgeous. jeez, DC should really put out a HC Best of Ira Schnapp book...
Maybe people need to let them know it's in demand!
Ohh man, good old Chronos! I tell you, before he actually got time powers, he was one of the worst, most gimicky villains ever. Still, his stories have a decent amount of action and suspense, as he's usually pretty good with death traps. After he actually got time powers...he's awesome DESPITE that costume. I loved his appearance in ANA, as they acknowledged just how powerful he really was. That is a beautiful ad, though.
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