But who's hand is it?
Why it's the evil Dean Mayland's! Kyle Lantern shows up to whisk Ryan, Donna Troy and co. away to continue the Ray Palmer search when a giant hand reaches down from the sky and plucks The Atom from all that original Atom business, so he can get back to defending Ivy Town.
And Ivy Town needs help. This is some serious geek fest going on here. The town finds itself being trampled under the feet of two giant, reptile-like monsters straight out of a Toho classic. Not too worry though. Not only does Ivy Town have a serviceable replacement hero in Ryan Choi, but he's also an avid fan of... giant reptile-like monster movies!
Meanwhile, Dwarfstar is back and has returned to his normal size since being shrunk to nearly nothing by The Atom. Oh, and he's somewhat peeved.
The team of Simone and Norton are really starting to put together a serious winner here. Choi has a very goofy charm about him, and while his greatest gift is intelligence, he uses that (and the whole shrinking, mass thing) to translate into some serious brawling. Ivy Town itself is becoming it's own character. A severely strange and unnerving character, but one I can't get enough of.
Yeah, a pretty good issue. I was a little disappointed with the rapidity of his out-think here, though. I just thought that there should have been more to it. However, all else is forgiven in exchange for the sight of Panda and Head playing "hero." "Have heroism or death!" The shower curtain-cape was just too awesome.
Have Potsie or Submission!
Haha, right! I had forgotten about the Head's irrational love of Happy Days.....although, it is a good show....;)
I tried to explain to my wife what was so uproariously funny in these issues of the Atom.....but that didn't work out so well. I did tell her that if she wouldn't have me committed, I would have to go around quoting Head.....
Yeah, my wife just doesn't have the love for it, although she humors me.
It's fine, because I don't care about what Britney wore or looked like when she went to Starbucks today.
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